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New Grand Diapason voiced for Leeds Town Hall organ

Chris Shires

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

New Grand Diapason pipes made for new organ in Leeds Town Hall

Here's the Grand Diapason 8' for the Grand division of the renovated IV/104 Leeds Town Hall organ on the voicing machine at Nicholson and Co. The new organ is due to be completed early in 2024.

The pipes were made by us, using original Abbott & Smith tools that were probably used to make much of the fluework of the previous organ.

The pipes, on 7" wind, have been voiced by Nicholson's head voicer James Atherton with wide but low diameter cut-ups, minimal nicking, and slots that are 1/3rd diameter wide and 1/3rd diameter from the top.

Nicholson's says: 'These combine to give a fresh and incisive quality, with a harmonic brightness not usually found in large diapasons such as this one. We can't wait to hear it in the hall!'

Pictures by Nicholson's. More project details on their site.


Shires Organ Pipes Ltd

​Unit 7a - 7c, Spence Mills

Mill Lane, Leeds

West Yorkshire, LS13 3HE

Phone: 0113 219 0221

​Registered No: 05601081

The logo of the Institute of British Organ Building

We manufacture, repair and restore metal organ pipes to a high standard from our workshop in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom.


Please contact us to see how we can assist your organ building or restoration project.

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