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'Thanks to Shires for making exquisite pipes'

Chris Shires

Updated: Jul 25, 2023

We enjoy sending organ pipes across the Atlantic to our growing band of organ builder friends in the United States.

The latest batch was ordered by Jonathan Ortloff, founder of the Ortloff Organ Company based in Greater Boston, Massachusetts.

Jonathan is a musician with degrees in organ performance and engineering. He said: 'Thanks to the Shires team for making such exquisite pipes'.

The pipes are for a new two-manual, 16-stop instrument he is constructing for S. Dunstan's Episcopal Church in Shoreline, Washington.

'The first set to arrive in the wooden packing case from England were the Swell 8’ Viola and Viola Celeste.



Shires Organ Pipes Ltd

​Unit 7a - 7c, Spence Mills

Mill Lane, Leeds

West Yorkshire, LS13 3HE

Phone: 0113 219 0221

​Registered No: 05601081

The logo of the Institute of British Organ Building

We manufacture, repair and restore metal organ pipes to a high standard from our workshop in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom.


Please contact us to see how we can assist your organ building or restoration project.

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